Classes on the Keter Shem Tob

In academic year 2012 - 2013, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School introduced a "haburah seder" in which students could learn a sefer of their choice during the hour after Minhah each day. A group of seven students decided to study the Keter Shem Tob together, with three days of "seder time" (focused textual study) culminating in class on the fourth day.
Classes from 5774
Session 32 – 12.18.13

Daily Ngarbit
- Topic of the class: the obligation of reading Ngarbit, and why no community repeats the Ngamidah
- Readings for seder: weekly Ngarbit, Vol. I, pp. 163-167
- Handout: download the source sheet from Keter Shem Tob and other sifre kodesh
- Audio recording: listen to Session 32 online (37 mins; can take a short interval to load)
Session 31 – 12.10.13

Daily Minhah
- Topic of the class: the east-west divide on the silent Ngamidah at Minhah
- Readings for seder: Minhah VeHazarah, Vol. I, pp. 159-161
- Handout: download the source sheet from Keter Shem Tob and other sifre kodesh
- Audio recording: listen to Session 31 online (52 mins; can take a short interval to load)
- Extra reflection: use of the Keter Shem Tob as a historical resource by non-Orthodox religious scholars
Session 30 – 12.03.13

Daily Life – Birkat HaMazon
- Topic of the class: Zimun at meals attended by three or more men
- Readings for seder: Birkat HaMazon, Vol. I, pp. 123-134
- Handout: download the source sheet from Keter Shem Tob and other sifre kodesh
- Audio recording: listen to Session 30 online (43 mins; can take a short interval to load)
Session 29 – 11.21.13

Holiday Special – Hanukkah
- Topic of the class: examining the origins behind Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, and the year 81056
- Readings for seder: HaNerot Hallalu, Ngal HaNisim, and other miscellanea, Vol II, pp. 527-532
- Handout: download the source sheet from Keter Shem Tob and external sources
- Audio recording: listen to Session 29 online (57 mins; can take a short interval to load)
A few "blips" exist on the file because a clanging radiator in our classroom forced us to re-record some sections and splice them in.
Session 28 – 11.12.13

Daily Shaharit, Part VI – Nefilat Apayim
- Topic of the class: does the ritual of Tahanun change if there is no Sefer Torah present?
- Readings for seder: customs for the supplicatory prayers, Vol. I, pp. 71-85
- Handout: download the source sheet from Keter Shem Tob and other sifre kodesh
- Audio recording: listen to Session 28 online (31 mins; can take a short interval to load)
Session 27 – 11.06.13

Daily Shaharit, Part V – Kedushah
- Topic of the class: exactly who says the Kedushah, and why?
- Readings for seder: the Ngamidah until Nesi'at Kapayim, Vol. I, pp. 53-58
- Handout: download the source sheet from Keter Shem Tob and the sheet of Kedushah versions
- Audio recording: listen to Session 27 online (38 mins; can take a short interval to load)
Session 26 – 10.29.13

Daily Shaharit, Part IV – Keri'at Shemang
- Topic of the class: the great debate over 248 – how many words are really in the Shemang and why?
- Readings for seder: from Barekhu through Ngezrat Abotenu, Vol. I, pp. 46-51
- Handout : download the source sheet from Keter Shem Tob and other sifre kodesh
- Audio recording: listen to Session 26 online (50 mins; can take a short interval to load)
Session 25 – 10.24.13

Daily Shaharit, Part III – Zemirot
- Topic of the class: Psalm 30 and its presence or absence from the daily liturgy
- Readings for seder: customs from Ana BeKoah through Yishtabah, Vol. I, pp. 28-35
- Handout: download the source sheet from Keter Shem Tob and other sifre kodesh
- Audio recording: listen to Session 25 online (50 mins; can take a short interval to load)
Session 24 – 10.23.13

Daily Shaharit, Part II – Tefillin
- Topic of the class: using Tefillin as a launch point to explore conflicts between Talmud and Kabbalah
- Readings for seder: customs of Tefillin, Vol. I, pp. 6-9 and 12-18
- Handout: download the source sheet from Keter Shem Tob and other sifre kodesh
- Referenced article: "Halakhah, Kabbalah, and Heresy: A Controversy in Early 18th Century Amsterdam," by Matt Goldish
- Referenced article: "Halakhah, Kabbalah, and Heresy: A Controversy in Early 18th Century Amsterdam," by Matt Goldish
- Audio recording: listen to Session 24 online (53 mins; can take a short interval to load)
Session 23 – 10.10.13

Daily Shaharit, Part I – Reboot
- Topic of the class: Psalm of the Day
- Readings for seder: Psalms for various occasions throughout the year, Vol. I, pp. 98-103
- Handout: download the source sheet from Keter Shem Tob and other sifre kodesh
- Audio recording: listen to Session 23 online (47 mins; can take a short interval to load)
Classes from 5773
Session 22 – 05.31.13
Guest Speaker: Rev. Salomon L. Vaz Dias
Session 21 – 05.08.13
Session 20 – 05.02.13
Rosh Hashanah:
Session 19 – 04.25.13
Tishngah BeAb:
Session 18 – 04.18.13
Session 17 – 04.11.13
Session 16 – 03.13.13
Pesah, Part V:
Session 15 – 03.07.13
Pesah, Part IV:
Session 14 – 03.05.13
Pesah, Part III:
Week 13 – 02.28.13
Session 12 – 02.20.13
Pesah, Part I:
Session 11 – 02.12.13
Purim, Part II:
Session 10 – 02.07.13
Purim, Part I:
Intercession – Weekly Postings Through January 2013
Shabbat, Part III |
Session 9 – 12.13.12
Shabbat, Part II:
Session 8 – 12.06.12
Shabbat, Part I:
Session 7 – 11.29.12
Hanukkah, Part III:
Week 6 – 11.22.12
Hanukkah, Part II: Although there was no class this week due to the holiday of Thanksgiving, there were still two days of seder in which to continue with Rabbi Gaguine's treatment of the holiday of Hanukkah. Building on last week's session on lighting at home, we studied some sengifim about lighting the Hanukkah in synagogue.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday in which they can connect with family, be thankful for what we have, and share from our bounty with those who have less than us! |
Session 5 – 11.15.12
Hanukkah, Part I:
Session 4 – 11.08.12
Customs of Sickness, Death, and Burial:
Week 3 – 11.01.12
Customs of Bar Mitsvah: This week, normal life in NYC ground to a halt for several days as a late-season storm reminded us of nature's unpredictable might. Since YCT cancelled classes and several of our group members were away volunteering in the harder-hit areas, our first meeting did not take place until the normal teaching slot on Thursday. However, we did cover some fruitful ground in the time we had:
Weeks 1 & 2 – 10.18.12 and 10.25.13
Getting Started: The material covered in the first two classes gave Raif the idea to make this website. In the first session, we spoke about Rabbi Gaguine's life and what we should know about the Keter Shem Tob before we begin using it, and then we read a sample sengif from the beginning of Volume VII. In the second session we covered the introduction to Volume III (which we read during the first two weeks of seder), as well as some outside perspectives on contemporary attitudes to mitzvot, and Sephardic conceptions of identity during the 17th century. With that as our foundation, we are ready to begin a fun series of classes on the Keter Shem Tob during the rest of the academic year.