
The best kept secret of the Orthodox world is that there is more than one way to keep Torah and mitsvot. From Baghdad to London and into the New World, a diverse range of communities boasts a wide spectrum of customs, ceremonies, and halakhic approaches that are unassailably genuine expressions of yir'at shamayim.
In one of the least acknowledged acts of Jewish public service in the 20th century, dayyan Shemtob Gaguine devoted years of his professional career to documenting the religious life of the Sephardim of the East and West, preserving their dignified usages for a posterity that witnessed the tragic end of many ancient Jewish civilizations. The result of his decades of tireless effort was the Keter Shem Tob, a monumental ethnographic and halakhic work of expansive intellectual horizons. We hope you enjoy exploring this website, which is dedicated to his remarkable and fascinating addition to the Jewish library.
In one of the least acknowledged acts of Jewish public service in the 20th century, dayyan Shemtob Gaguine devoted years of his professional career to documenting the religious life of the Sephardim of the East and West, preserving their dignified usages for a posterity that witnessed the tragic end of many ancient Jewish civilizations. The result of his decades of tireless effort was the Keter Shem Tob, a monumental ethnographic and halakhic work of expansive intellectual horizons. We hope you enjoy exploring this website, which is dedicated to his remarkable and fascinating addition to the Jewish library.